About Us
Next Generation Digital Media Receivers are expensive and not affordable due to the premium cost tag linked to them. Inntot Technologies with its expertise and innovation is determined to provide high quality and cost effective solutions for next generation digital media receivers.
Inntot Technologies achieved the first breakthrough in its vision, when it created SDR based Digital Radio Mondiale (DRM) Receiver solutions for both AM and FM bands with all complex operations including Demodulation and Channel decoding performed in the software. Subsequently, SDR based DAB/DAB+ receiver solutions, HD-Radio (in collaboration with Xperi), CD-Radio were also developed. Digital Radio Receiver solutions of Inntot are highly optimized for superior RF performance, outstanding Timing parameters (like time to audio, seek, scan etc.), CPU usage. In addition to Digital Radio receiver solutions, Inntot also offers ISDB-T Receiver solutions.
Inntot is also working towards developing Audio processing components to enhance and enrich the user experience in vehicles. Audio processing components include basic features such as Loudness & DRC, Spatial Enhancement, Fade in/Fade out and advanced features such as Personalized sound zone, Noise cancellation, Noise enhancement etc.