
Digital Audio Broadcasting (DAB/DAB+)
Receiver Software Solution

Features (Faunus DAB/DAB+)

Inntot DAB SDR Receiver solution has Operating System Abstraction Layer (OSAL) and Hardware Abstraction Layer(HAL) for interfacing with OS and Hardware respectively.

Inntot DAB Receiver solution offers software demodulation vis-à-vis the traditional approach of hardware demodulation. Inntot DAB Software demodulator is highly optimized for achieving DAB Minimum Requirements and CPU performance.

Inntot Channel Decoder does the error correction using Viterbi Algorithm. It provides first and second channel information to DAB Middleware.

Inntot DAB Middleware receives data streams from Channel Decoder & enables functionalities such as service list creation, service selection and management, service playback, auto/manual scan, seek, DL/DL+, Reconfiguration, Seamless Linking, announcement support including Alarm, Recording & Playback in ETI format.

Inntot Data Decoder components consist of MOT Carousel Decoder, TPEG Decoder, Journaline, Electronic Program Guide, Slide Show. Inntot Data Decoder is reusable across DAB and DRM Digital Radio Standards and is portable across different platforms.

Inntot's DAB Reference Application demonstrates the full capabilities of Inntot DAB Receiver stack and serves as a reference guide for customers to develop their own DAB application.

Merits of Our DAB Solution

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